Gary Duschl

Guinness World Record
Gum Wrapper Chain

Top 100 USA
Official Length on January 11, 2020
106,810 feet
Containing 2,583,335 Gum Wrappers!
Hello, I'm Gary Duschl of Virginia Beach, Virginia, current record holder of the world's longest gum wrapper chain.

About the Chain:
Began on March 11, 1965
$180,833 Worth of Gum
1,520 lbs or 690 kgs
Volume 121.5 Cubic Feet
WRIGLEY Wrappers Only
Record Holder for 25 Years
Over 42,000 Hours of Work
Relative Lengths:
20.2291 Miles or 32.6 kms
356 Football Fields
534 Hockey Rinks
323 Soccer Fields
73 Empire State Buildings
20 Minutes by Car at 60 mph
7.5 Hours to Walk the Length
Currently as of October 11, 2024
2,923,386 wrappers    120,423 feet